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الأربعاء، 8 يوليو 2009

Brigitte Lahaie Photos


J'ai des gaz quand on me fait une fellation

Ce dysfonctionnement intestinal à un moment inopportun des rapports intimes gêne terriblement Frédéric.

Frédéric : J'ai 28 ans, et j'ai un souci avec mon fonctionnement, c'est parfois le «détail qui tue». Quand une partenaire me fait une fellation, je ne peux pas me retenir, j'ai des gaz.
Bruno Martin, psychanalyste : Si c'est involontaire, on bascule dans une idée de vulgarité, qui n'est pourtant pas de votre volonté. Vous faites peut-être de l'aérophagie en temps normal. J'insisterai aussi sur le plan médical, pour qu'on vous aide à évacuer un peu le contenu des intestins auparavant, pour que vous vous débarrassiez avant l'acte du maximum d'air contenu dans les intestins. Je pense que c'est simple.

Brigitte Lahaie : C'est sûr, ce n'est pas très romantique. Je crois qu'il vaudrait la peine d'en parler à un médecin. S'il n'y a pas de réelle raison liée à votre organisme, c'est que votre cerveau a mis quelque chose en place. Il va donc falloir changer ce fonctionnement. Je pense que cela peut se négocier avec une partenaire, mais il faut surtout que vous appreniez à déconnecter.
Ce qu'il faudrait déjà essayer, c'est de vous faire caresser manuellement et de voir comment cela se passe. Je crois qu'il ne faut pas désespérer. On peut imaginer que cela corresponde à quelque chose de complètement inconscient, et, pour arriver à le dépasser, il faut trouver autre chose. Quand une femme vous caresse manuellement, essayez de grincer des dents, par exemple, pour que votre cerveau soit occupé par autre chose.

Emmanuelle en Gironde

Le Conseil Général de Gironde ne savait pas vraiment comment faire pour que l'on parle plus du département 33. Certaines pistes avaient été explorées. On avait bien pensé à organiser un grand concert de Pascal Obispo (régional de l'étape) tout en haut de la dune du Pyla, mais la chose aurait été bien trop coûteuse à entreprendre, et les fans du chanteur, pour certains, bien trop âgés pour se retrouver à crapahuter au sommet du plus haut tas de sable de toute l'Europe.

Non, les communicants de la Gironde le savaient: l'été arrivant, il fallait marquer un grand coup, pour ne plus que les touristes ne se déplacent en masse vers le même port à baraques à chichi des bords de la Méditerranée que chaque saison. Il fallait qu'en 2009, les Français parlent entre eux des avantages à passer quelques jours de congés en Gironde. Bordeaux, le Bassin d'Arcachon, tant d'endroits à découvrir, de bains de mer à prendre, de rayons UVA et UVB à stocker sur une peau déjà ridée par la pollution hivernale des grandes villes et sèche comme une Cracotte fourrée au chocolat.

Alors les communicants se sont dit, en se tapant dans le dos les uns des autres pour se congratuler (sauf l'un des communicants, qui a passé une trentaine de minutes à se taper dans son propre dos, étant de nature solitaire), qu'ils tenaient le concept dont on allait discuter dans les entreprises à l'heure de la pause café : mettre du sexe dans leur com'.

Le sexe. Comment ne pas y avoir pensé plus tôt ? Une jolie nana, un type aux abdominaux proéminents, un couple qui se susurre de petites saloperies à l'oreille, ce sont là les ingrédients qui ont de tous temps fait vendre 90% des produits manufacturés. On vend des slips grâce au sexe, des petits pois carottes grâce au sexe (par un habile jeu de mise en place de la carotte et de deux des petits pois, photographiés de manière grivoise par un professionnel de la chose qui a bossé 20 ans en Italie), on vendra désormais un département, le 33 (le Rhône aurait été une référence trop évidente), par le biais de la chose sexuelle. Le slogan tape fort comme le poing de Joey Starr sur une femme pourtant amoureuse : "En Gironde, à chacun son point G". L'une des affiches prévues dans le cadre de la campagne de publicité présente ainsi une gentille cabane de pêcheur, qui domine une mer limpide. A l'avant-plan, un drapeau clame la vérité suivante : "Ici, j'ai trouvé mon point G". Il convient de vider alors notre esprit de l'image traditionnelle du pêcheur, équipé d'un ciré douteux et de bottes qui sentent bon l'appartement non aéré depuis 1976. Si l'on y arrive, immédiatement, on est envahi par une vague rose d'érotisme bien marqué, des craquements de fauteuil en rotin se faisant presque entendre à nos oreilles.

Le Point G. Contrairement au Point P, qui est un réseau de magasins qui commercialise des matériaux de construction, le Point G est l'endroit précis, sur le corps de la femme, censé provoquer le désir immédiat de la chanceuse qui le déniche, parfois avec l'aide de son mari ou concubin, qui s'en vantera alors le lendemain auprès de ses collègues de travail. De tous temps, le Point G a fasciné les foules, Jean-Marie Bigard pensant même à un moment de sa vie lui consacrer un spectacle de one-man show entier, avant de renoncer, devant son incapacité à lui-même mettre le doigt dessus. Bref, il reste un mystère moderne, aussi opaque que les circonstances dans lesquelles la lofteuse Loana s'est retrouvée à l'hôpital récemment.

Depuis, en Gironde, c'est la folie. Cette campagne de communication, sur place, a déjà créé son petit effet. Pour les vacances, des milliers de parisiens et autres habitants des grandes villes ont convergé vers Bordeaux, à la recherche de sensations chaudes. On raconte que le samedi soir, dans les rues de la ville, des attroupements incroyables se forment devant les sex-shops flambant neufs qui ont ouvert pour l'occasion. Des DVD coquins s'échangent sous le manteau, distribués par de jeunes personnes qui auparavant, refourguaient aux mineurs de la ville des drogues douces dans des sachets de la FNAC.

Dans le Bassin d'Arcachon, c'est la même chose. Des centaines de personnes totalement nues ont envahi les plages du coin, dans la perspective avouée de succomber à des plaisirs coupables. Des escadrons de gendarmes ont été mobilisés afin de maintenir un minimum de décence sur place. Ils distribuent ainsi des slips aux touristes, et en veulent beaucoup au Conseil Général de Gironde pour avoir allumé un feu que personne ne peut désormais éteindre.

Les dernières informations sont alarmantes. Nous venons en effet d'apprendre que :

- le maire de Bordeaux, Monsieur Alain Juppé, vient de déclarer que le Conseil Municipal se fera désormais dans un club libertin des environs. Il est demandé à chaque conseiller municipal de se munir d'un accessoire de son choix.

- l'ex-star du X Brigitte Lahaie annonce qu'elle animera désormais son émission de radio de RMC depuis Saint-Emilion, une belle petite ville de vin, l'alcool ayant prouvé selon elle son caractère désinhibant.

- les livres de la Bibliothèque Rose seront retirés des librairies de Bordeaux, le rose devenant la couleur officielle des productions pour adultes, distribuées maintenant dans les supermarchés.

- le groupe d'origine bordelaise Noir Désir annonce son intention de se rebaptiser Rouge Désir afin de rester dans la lignée locale d'évocations érotiques. Afin de mettre du piquant dans leurs prochaines productions, une chanteuse de R'n'B sapée de jupes de cuir minimales sera intégrée au groupe.

Et ce n'est que le début ! La Gironde ne sait sans doute pas encore ce qu'elle vient de déclencher !
Maintenant, ce qui va être intéressant, c'est d'observer ce que les départements voisins vont pouvoir faire pour surenchérir et faire parler d'eux à leur tour. La Charente-Maritime serait sur le point d'annoncer que le Fort Boyard sera dorénavant réservé aux soirées privées, et l'on est apparemment en train d'y installer des chaînes de métal pour les utilisateurs, bien fixées dans les murs anciens de la bâtisse. On ne sait pas si Olivier Minne, qui a le physique adéquat pour assurer ce genre de prestations, sera ou non de la partie.

Le Point G de la Gironde, c'est le département 33 dans tous ses états, et ce serait vraiment trop bête, pour l'été, de réserver dans le 29, le 06 ou le 13, qui ne sont même pas des positions connues du kama-sutra.

Lien :

Elle m'a parlé des rideaux pendant un rapport sexuel

La compagne de Julien lui a coupé ses envies en abordant un sujet trivial pendant l’amour.

Julien : J'ai eu à faire face à un tue-l'amour particulier. J'étais avec ma compagne, en plein dans l'acte, et d'un coup, elle m'a sorti une phrase des plus ordinaires : « Chéri, il faudrait que l'on change les rideaux ». Ca m'a complètement arrêté. On n'a pas pu continuer, mais on a bien ri. J'ai un autre problème, je fais mal à ma femme quand je la pénètre depuis quinze ans.

Bruno Martin, psychanalyste : En ce qui concerne la réflexion de votre compagne, cela s'appelle le vagabondage de l'esprit.

Brigitte Lahaie : Pour le deuxième souci, il faut d'abord vérifier que la fourchette ne soit pas un peu endommagée. La fourchette est la partie en direction du périnée qui est très sensible et qui parfois est un peu abîmée. On la fragilise en faisant l'amour et il faut parfois utiliser une crème cicatrisante pour remettre le corps féminin « en service ».
S'il n'y a rien, c'est que vous êtes trop imposant par rapport à son vagin. Et là, à part une bonne préparation, il n'y a pas grand-chose à faire. Avec une préparation progressive, normalement vous devriez y arriver. Les préliminaires c'est une bonne chose, mais ce que je vous conseille aussi, c'est avant de la pénétrer, d'essayer d'introduire dans son vagin un jouet sexuel qui soit inférieur à la taille de votre pénis, de manière à dilater et à préparer votre compagne.
Peut-être fait-elle également un petit blocage. Mais ce souci n'a pas l'air trop grave puisque vous êtes ensemble depuis quinze ans.

Brigitte Lahaie, una chica por no que escribió un libro... ¡con un sacerdote!

Una estrella del cine pornogr?fico de los a?os 70 y un cura, Patrice Gourrier, contrastan opiniones sobre el sexo y el amor en una obra escrito a d?o por ambos y que sali? al mercado, "Parlez-nos d'amour" (H?blenos de amor). ?Qué habr? salido de ese encuentro? Ls mejores im?genes de la diva XXX. (Ver galer?a de fotos)

Una estrella del cine pornogr?fico de los a?os 70, Brigitte Lahaie, y un cura, Patrice Gourrier, contrastan opiniones sobre el sexo y el amor en un libro escrito a d?o por ambos y que hoy sali? al mercado, "Parlez-nos d'amour" (H?blenos de amor).

Es un libre repaso, con visiones abiertamente opuestas, a veces aunque no siempre, sobre el amor, pero también la pareja, la sexualidad o la fidelidad.

Adem?s de coautores, el cura y la prostituta, como gusta presentarse Brigitte Lahaie, son colegas radiof?nicos, pues se conocieron en la emisora RMC, donde cada lunes interviene como cronista Patrice Gourrier.

All? es donde su colaboradora literaria anima todas las tardes un programa sobre la sexualidad, "Lahaie, l'amour et vous", realizado con las llamadas telef?nicas de sus oyentes.

De vocaci?n tard?a, pues se orden? cura a los 40 a?os, como cont? en 2003 en su libro "J'ai choisi d'être prêtre" (Yo decid? ser cura), Patrice Gourrier, de 47 a?os, no comparte al cien por cien las opiniones de Lahaie pero tampoco las tesis oficiales de la Iglesia.

Recuerda, por ejemplo, en una entrevista que publica el diario "Le Parisien", que hasta el siglo XIII los curas solteros cohabitaban con los casados, y mantiene que el obligado celibato actual "no tiene ning?n fundamento teol?gico".

Subraya que conoci? a Brigitte Lahaie el d?a de San Valent?n de 2006, durante uno de sus programas, y que le oy? hablar del noviazgo "de manera maravillosa".

Este es, de hecho, uno de los temas sobre los que est?n de acuerdo en el libro, pues ambos piensan que ser?a preciso restablecer el rito del noviazgo.

Antes de lanzarse a escribir "Parlez-nous d'amour", la ex actriz porno, que afirma ser "m?s bien budista", traslad? al papel su primera reflexi?n sobre el amor, el sexo y la pareja en "L'amour et le couple", en 2005. Subraya que conoci? a Brigitte Lahaie el d?a de San Valent?n de 2006, durante uno de sus programas, y que le oy? hablar del noviazgo "de manera maravillosa".

Brigitte Lahaie-Isabelle Solar

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Brigitte lahaie nude

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Brigitte Lahaie ou Brigitte Fontaine

Brigitte Lahaie ou Brigitte Fontaine !

Brigitte Lahaie Videos

Brigitte Lahaie Nude

Brigitte Lahaie joue maintenant avec les mots

Rencontre avec une ex-porno star reconvertie, avec bonheur, sur papier
couché et sur les ondes du plaisir de RMC (103.10).

D'abord elle vous signe une dédicace : « pour Alain, en souvenir de notre cinq à sept ». Soyons clair : juste après deux heures d'interview pour éviter toute équivoque. On ne devrait jamais plaisanter avec la presse. Deux heures, en fait, plutôt troublantes où le fantasme s'efface derrière la carrière, certes singulière, mais beaucoup plus prosaïque que l'on veut bien deviner.
Brigitte Lahaie aurait pu se déshabiller, facile, au fil de ses 185 pages (*). Au contraire, elle s'y confie. Et, loin d'être racoleur, c'est souvent touchant. Comme cette lettre à son père, véritable déclaration d'amour, à cet homme « trop distant », si vite disparu. A quoi tient une destinée. Mais que lui doit-elle ? « Aujourd'hui, je peux l'affirmer avec certitude, ma carrière dans le cinéma pornographique m'a permis de me démarquer, de me rebeller contre ce milieu bourgeois hypocrite dans lequel tout doit se faire en cachette » […] « Nous ne choisissons pas par hasard notre vie amoureuse. J'ai eu besoin de vivre nombre d'aventures fusionnelles, de passions dévorantes, de rapports conflictuels. J'ai connu des hommes machos, violents, romantiques, attentionnés ».
Mais le bonheur dans tout ça, dans ces pellicules d'alors tumultueuses et parfois scandaleuses pour l'époque. Pas l'once d'un regret. « Parler de soi bouleverse » confesse Brigitte Lahaie naguère si sculpturale, doucement rattrapée par l'âge. « Il m'a fallu du temps pour les aimer les hommes. J'ai longtemps cru qu'ils ne s'intéressaient qu'à mon cul ! » !
Et si c'était à refaire ? « En me servant de mes blessures, je crois que je prendrais un peu plus de soin vis-à-vis de tous ces instants d'amour que j'ai eus. Je n'ai peut-être pas eu la chance de réaliser combien j'avais été aussi aimée. Car je les ai un peu malmenés, les pauvres »…
Elle est désormais convaincue que « si vous êtes en cohérence avec votre vie, tout arrive au bon moment ». De son regard coup de griffe, « toujours un peu sauvage », elle dégaine : « Si vous saviez comme j'ai dû lutter pour prouver que je n'étais pas uniquement une blonde ! ».

“ Je suis celle
qui allume… ”

Pas faux. Rescapée du X, cette ex-hardeuse, sorcière des temps moderne, est intelligente et sensible. Elle sait au moins de quoi elle parle. Et joue si bien les confidentes sur les ondes du plaisir de RMC. Voilà pourquoi on l'aime aussi. Surtout lorsqu'elle vous susurre, un rien canaille, « Je suis celle qui allume la lumière dans le bordel de l'autre ». Quitte à paraphraser Sacha Guitry : « Je suis une féministe tout contre les hommes ». Mais alors vraiment tout contre.

(*) « Hommes, je vous aime », Brigitte Lahaie, éditions Anne Carrière.

Brigitte Lahaie Interview

Brigitte Lahaie, actress, author, broadcaster and now a star on French radio station RMC, with her daily show on life, love and sexuality, "Lahaie, l’amour et vous", she is still better known as perhaps the quintessential X-rated star icon of France and indeed Europe during the revolutionary 70’s. But she is much more than that, after successfully moving from adult cinema to having successful roles in Jean Rollin’s "Fascination", Jess Franco’s "Faceless", Philip Kaufman’s "Henry and June" and recently Fabrice Du Welz’s "Calvaire". In addition she has written a successful autobiography "Moi, La Scandaleuse" amongst many other publications and has been a well known face on French television, particularly on Canal Plus, RTL and XXL.

Speaking for the entire staff here at Cinema Nocturna, I’d like to thank Brigitte for taking the time to talk to us about her wide and varied career, and on a personal level it’s truly an honour.

Nick Frame: What initially attracted you to the world of acting and how did you end up starring in your first adult film?

Brigitte Lahaie: I started acting in the world of cinema X without any particular goals; I just wanted to see what would happen. However, I subsequently met Jean Rollin while he was directing under a pseudonym, while making an X movie. This meeting proved decisive for me and my career as an actress, as he would ultimately offer me my first straight acting role. That was in of course "The Grapes of Death" (Les Raisins de la Mort) my first horror film. After that he gave me many more roles in his movies.

NF: Was the experience in the adult film world generally positive or did you have any problems?

BL: I totally loved my time while making X movies and I don’t have a single regret.

NF: You are also well known for having worked with the aforementioned Jean Rollin and Jess Franco, could you tell us a little of what it was like working with them both and how different they were in their approach to filmmaking?

BL: Comparisons are often made between these directors; as in the manner in which they both construct their scenes within a movie. However, they are in fact very different, both in the way they direct and the relationships they had with the cast and crew. Rollin was a very lunar artist, while Franco was more pragmatic.

NF: Looking back at your career what film are you most proud of and why?

BL: I am not overly proud of any one film or my career as an actress. However I have a saying; I’ve had small roles in big movies and big roles in small movies.

NF: Are you surprised by how very popular you and your films still are today?

BL: For a long time, I’ve been very surprised with my popularity. Undoubtedly, I must symbolise something to many people but whatever "it" is, it escapes me. However I feel that this is also the case with many other artists.

NF: After being a part of Fabrice du Welz’s "Calvaire", would you like to do some more film work in the future given the opportunity?

BL: No, I am not overly attracted to the cinema world anymore. It has too many constraints for someone like me, who likes to be free and uninhibited. However, in regards to "Calvaire", I enjoyed that experience and have no regrets at all.

NF: Finally, are you enjoying your experience with RMC and what are your plans for the future?

BL: I take a great deal of pleasure being on the radio because you truly get to interact with people and get intimate with them. I also have many other projects on the go, specifically in the field of literature. In short, I work a lot, I love what I do, and I am fortunate to be able to pick and choose my projects.

NF: Thank you once again for talking to us, the pleasure really has been all mine and I wish you every success in the future.

BL: Merci!

Brigitte Lahaie Biography

Brigitte Lahaie, along with Sylvia Bourdon and Claudine Beccarie, was one of the original great porn stars of French adult cinema. She was born Brigitte Van Meerhaegue, on 12 October 1955, in Tourcoing northern France, to respectable middle class parents – her father was a banker. "I was brought up in a very respectable, very strict family, but I always had a very strong libido and had to express it somehow." She was introduced to sex at the age of 14 through a bicycle-induced orgasm. Her well-developed figure and voluptuous breasts meant that her classmates often teased Brigitte at school. After graduating she became a shoe-salesgirl, but quickly became bored, and at the age of 18 decided to escape her provincial background and move to Paris in the hope of becoming a model. Although unable to establish herself as a model and eventually found herself working behind the camera as an assistant. She entered the adult industry by chance. "I answered an advertisement in a magazine. I wanted to be a photo model… when they explained what was expected of me, I was surprised. I wasn't very experienced sexually back then, but I had a feeling that this was what I was destined for, so I signed." One of the first things Brigitte then did was change her Dutch name to a more traditional sounding French name. "At the time it seemed like a good idea not to keep my real surname, partly because it was unpronounceable, and partly out of respect for my family. To do porn in 1976 was to court trouble. Besides, at the time certain members of my family were very shocked at what I was doing."

"My real name is Van Meerhaegue. It means 'more of the hedge' in Flemish. For my career in porn I dropped the 'more of' and just kept 'the hedge' ['la haie' in French]."

Brigitte, however, saw the adult industry as a means through which she could explore her own sexuality while at the same time making a rebellious political statement against the established morals of society. "At the time people working in the porn industry, both in front and behind the camera, were involved in a type of artistic rebellion against the morals inherent in French society… With a few exceptions hardly anyone in the 1970's worked on porn films just for money. It was an experience, an adventure by a small group of eccentric outsiders. From today's viewpoint we probably seemed naïve, but we had ideas and were searching for something. Perhaps I was too young at the time to fully realize what was going on. But looking back now I understand that behind a lot of the early porn films in France was a large degree of ideology and politics. The directors believed that they could contribute something to the spheres of artistic cinema and society."

Among the first adult films Brigitte starred in were 'L'Image' (1976) and 'Les Plaisirs Fous' (1976), and although she only appeared in minor roles, it was obvious she had potential. Her voluptuous figure, full breasts and beautiful features made her an instant success with the French public. She was a natural in front of the camera and by her own admission enjoyed the exhibitionist aspect of pornography. "I loved the job, it was fun, and I think it was also very important in the development of my personality. I was a young shy girl, very uncertain with a lot of complexes. The porn industry gave me self-assurance because I was doing something that required courage at the time. I began to slowly trust myself and believe in myself. It provided me with a sense of security. I've thought long and hard about my decision to make those films and I think it was a deep need for recognition, to be loved by men. I do not believe I was aware at the time of the full consequences of my decision. For me it was simply an opportunity to prove certain things to my parents. I've never had a better relationship with my parents than I did during my four years as a porn star. I don't regret my decision to make those films in any way." Furthermore, Brigitte was comfortable with her own sexuality, something that became very evident through her films. "Some of my best orgasms happen in a hot shower. Lots of women won't own up to it, but the pleasure of masturbating on your own, at your own speed leads to a really satisfying sexual experience. So if the men in my life bore me, I just head for the bathroom."

One of her earliest films was 'Vibrations Sensuelles' (1976) directed by legendary European maverick Jean Rollin. He had been responsible for some of the most bizarre and surreal European horror films of the 1960's and 1970's. "Vibrations Sensuelles was the only porno I shot with him. It was a strange experience. He didn't really want to shoot these films and he found it very uncomfortable giving us instructions. During some of the hard-core scenes he would leave the set and let the cameraman take over because he found it hard to watch. I believe that what attracted Jean was the idea of shooting porn." For Jean Rollin, just like his contemporary Jess Franco, with whom Brigitte also worked, pornography was a political statement. He later said: "I was sure that, with this type of film, one could come up with something new and of interest… The reason for the death of French 'hardcore culture,' if you want to use that term, is that the audience just doesn't care. They don't want cinema, they want people screwing and that's it… I really tried to make something out of it and nobody gave a damn… but I enjoyed shooting them. I made the acquaintance of a lot of very interesting people and I have respect for them. Today, the actors only do it for money, but back then it was something different. Some of them did it because they wanted to explore their desires, some because they wanted to enter the film business, but they all had something in common. They were proud of what they did, like a little group of outsiders, because they did something that most people didn't dare to do. It was some sort of rebellion, a statement, and it was honest." During the film Brigitte and Jean established a durable friendship that was to grow over time and eventually lead her away from the porn industry.

Over the next four years Brigitte made dozens of hardcore porn films. Some of them, such as 'Perversion D'une Jeune Mariée' (1977) directed by Burd Tranbaree, were cheaply shot, with their only redeeming feature being Brigitte's presence. She had the ability to ooze sexuality and innocence at the same time. On the other hand, some of her films, such as 'Soumission' (1978) and 'Les Soirées d'un couple voyeur' (1979) were among the best made by the European adult industry during the 1970's. When not making films, Brigitte became involved in the Paris swinging scene, appearing at various libertine clubs and private orgies. She also went through a string of famous lovers from the French political establishment, or the music and mainstream film industry. When later asked if she had ever had sex for money outside of the porn industry, she candidly replied, "Yes, sometimes, for the fun of it. In 1984 an arab emir offered me 200,000 franks if I would spend the night with him. This was an enormous amount back then. But by that point I had quit porn, so I refused."

In 1978 Jean Rollin contacted Brigitte Lahaie and asked her to appear in his B movie horror film 'Les Raisins De La Mort' (1978). "It was the first non-erotic film I made with Brigitte Lahaie. I directed her previously in a porn film, 'Vibrations Sensuelles', and I found her to be a distinctly different personality. I thought it would be interesting to take her outside the boundaries of porn and put her in a Rollin film. She was different, very different, and she has an incredible charisma. Her presence is absolutely striking. Also, I think she is very talented and a very nice person… I remember the scene in which Brigitte had to undress herself. There she was, naked, and supposed to deliver her lines, but when she opened her mouth, she literally couldn't speak because it was so cold. I was very, very hard on everybody. No coffee, no place to get warm, and Brigitte kept her temper remarkably well. There is one scene with Brigitte and the dogs, which was my homage to Mario Bava's 'Black Sunday'. She reminded me a lot of Barbara Steele; her face is also very enigmatic. One might think that directing a porn actress would be difficult, but she was very disciplined and professional. It was a pleasure to direct her."

According to Brigitte "Jean was the one who made it possible for me to leap into the 'normal' film business. It was only a very small role, but it was a chance to break through the borders of porn… The shooting was really hard, especially for me as I had already filmed over a dozen porn films that year and was exhausted. We shot the whole thing in a totally remote mountain region in France. It was dreadfully cold and I froze in my thin costume. Then there were some nude scenes, which I refused to do because of the temperature… 'Les Raisins De La Mort' was my first 'normal' film… I realised that I could not escape my past but I believed I could move on… In the beginning the others treated me very strangely. At the time I really noticed it, but I wasn't concerned. Looking back now it seems quite amusing. The producer was a special case. One evening he tried to get into bed with me. I was really surprised. At the time I was never really conscious of being such a well known porn star."

Following 'Les Raisins De La Mort', Brigitte returned to porn, appearing in almost two-dozen hard and soft-core films before meeting up with Rollin again. This time she was offered a much more central role in his vampire thriller 'Fascination' (1979). Brigitte played an aristocratic lady who enjoyed sex with her female companions as well as any men available. She would then cut the men's throats and drink their blood. Overall the film was confusing and lacked direction. Perhaps the most interesting scenes were the ones involving Brigitte rolling about naked, simulating sex with various people. Nevertheless it was another step in the direction of 'respectable' cinema. After it's release she returned to porn once more, appeared in half-a-dozen films, and then suddenly quit the adult industry in 1980. "It was simply not possible for me to continue anymore. Porn is not a job that one can maintain in the long run. It is very stressful, and in order to be good, you must give everything you have. Most porn actresses stop after four or five years."

Brigitte moved on to making soft-core films as well as various B movies. "When I stopped making porn films in 1980 I appeared in numerous erotic productions. It took some time, however, before I realized that I simply wasn't an actress. I decided to take lessons in order to build up my self-confidence… It is simply not possible to act properly in a porn film… There are too many other things that have priority… These days I know what I can and cannot do. I am very relaxed and aware of what my talents are." Although her fame as a former porn star allowed her to make the transition into B movies, "My past caused problems when I was 25. I was with a man who said, 'I really love you, but I don't want to see your films'." It was at this point she briefly changed her name to Brigitte Simonin. "Just after my career in porn ended I was living with a man that really wanted to marry me. Changing my name was a way of proving my love for him. Later, when I was living with Reemerged Chateau, I returned to the pseudonym Lahaie. There were a thousand reasons for doing this, but it was really a way of accepting my past."

She moved on to become one of the main B movie actresses in Europe; working with both Jess Franco and Jacques Saurel, and in November 1985 appeared in Playboy. Two years later she drew on her past experience to write a sex advice column in a French magazine, and eventually hosted a Saturday night talk show on French cable television called 'Hot Talk', where she again helped people with their sexual problems. Brigitte was always very frank and would often explain to viewers the best technique for oral sex or masturbation. Her advice was to the point, and had a habit of shocking the establishment, as she announced on prime radio "It's better to have an unfaithful husband than a frustrated one", or "The secret to a good blowjob is to simply love doing it". "I had a letter from a girl who'd given her husband a blow-job and she'd swallowed by mistake and she was wondering if she'd get pregnant. I told her - swallow as much as you want: it's low-calorie anyway, isn't it."

Brigitte then proceeded to publish her autobiography, entitled 'Moi, La Scandaleus', in which she candidly discussed her past as a porn star and the French adult industry as a whole. During the next decade she produced videos concerning sexology and began writing the second volume of her autobiography. Unlike many other porn stars that made the jump to 'respectable' film, Brigitte never disowned her past. "For me these films are simply part of my past. I have no problem talking about it. I made it and I do not regret it under any circumstances… These films made me what I am today, and gave me an enormous amount of publicity in France… I was the first French sex star and I don't consider such a title a burden'.

The re-release of her old films during the late 1990's by Alpha-France resulted in a great deal of renewed interest not only in Brigitte Lahaie, but the entire 1970's adult scene. As was the case with its American counterpart, it became known as the Golden Age of French porn. An entire new generation, many of whom had not even been born when Brigitte quit the business, was being exposed to her numerous on-screen talents. Adult magazines around Europe began referring to her as the ultimate French porn icon, while younger French actresses such as Laure Sainclair would use her as a role model. Brigitte is coy about the situation: "I’ve been very surprised with my popularity. Undoubtedly, I must symbolize something to many people but whatever "it" is, it escapes me." Twenty years after making her last adult film Brigitte has become part of the establishment. She is as popular as ever, and her name on the box-cover still guarantees sales. "I was invited to a bicycle race in the country, and these grandmothers were coming up to me and asking for autographs." In order to capitalize on this renewed interest she set up her own fan-site on the Internet, and eventually returned to the porn industry as a director. In 2001 she wrote, directed and produced 'Ma Sexualite de A a X', which was immediately voted video of the month by numerous French magazines.

Brigitte Lahaie now lives on a large country estate in Yvelines, 60 kilometers from Paris. Apart from her four horses, two great Danes and cat, she lives alone. "I spent the last three years living with my partner, but I like my solitude and independence." Middle aged, and with no intention of becoming a mother, she claims, "I have never been as happy or as prosperous as I am today… money keeps falling into my bank account." Nevertheless, the desire to confront the hypocrisy of society, a desire which first led her into the porn industry, still remains. "The moral bourgeoisie would have liked me to have Aids and be working in a sleazy brothel by now… I'll always be immoral to them, because I reject this country's middle class morality. I still love to shock… But I defy anyone, from the top politicians to the notables of any genre, to give me lessons in honesty." There are no taboos left for Brigitte. "I spent five years of my life doing just about every sexual act there was… I've done a lot of extremely kinky things and enjoyed them all… but if you want to know what my favorite sexual position is, it's the one recommended by the Catholic Church, the missionary. Why? Perhaps because it simply offers the most tenderness." When asked why she is still considered the most famous French porn star ever, over twenty years after appearing in her last film, she replied: "I'd like to think that it is because I was the best actress, because in this genre of films it's hard to talk about true acting talent. I believe it might also be because I was the biggest slut, I was able to act out everyone else's fantasies." "I totally loved my time while making X movies and I don’t have a single regret."

Brigitte Lahaie is one of the central figures of early French pornography. Like many others of her era she viewed celluloid sex not as an industry, but more as a political statement. Although the age of radical ideologies and porn chic has long now passed, she remains without doubt the most successful French porn actress of the 1970's, and perhaps one of the most beautiful women ever to be involved in the country's adult industry as a whole.